Men's Health

Premature Ejaculation

We provide services for men concerned about Premature Ejaculation.
Please Contact Us to discuss your situation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual issue among men, defined as orgasming too quickly during sexual intercourse or before. On average, it typically takes someone between five to nine minutes to reach orgasm, though this varies widely.

Several factors can contribute to premature ejaculation, including anxiety, stress, and physical conditions such as an overly tight foreskin or heightened penis sensitivity. Relationship problems, sexual insecurities, or poor communication with a partner can also play a role.

Managing premature ejaculation involves various techniques and approaches:

1. Relaxation and Communication: Open communication with your partner and reducing anxiety can help. Spend more time on foreplay to ease into intercourse without pressure.
2. Techniques to Delay Orgasm: Try giving the Stop and Start technique a go (stopping stimulation or slowing down before cumming and then waiting until you're less excited) to help control excitement. You can try practising the stop start technique when you're masturbating to get confidence and then practice during sex.

  • Stop and Start Technique: Pausing or slowing stimulation before reaching climax, then resuming when arousal decreases.
  • Squeeze Technique: Partner squeezes the base ofthe penis when nearing orgasm to reduce arousal.
  • Masturbating Before Sex: Some find that ejaculating once before intercourse can delay orgasm during subsequent sexual activity, although its effectiveness can diminish over time.

3.  Medical Treatments:

  • Priligy Tablets (Dapoxetine): Medication taken1-3 hours before intercourse to delay ejaculation and improve control.
  • Local Anaesthetic Creams (e.g., EMLA): Applied to the penis to reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation.

4. Psychological Support: Counselling or psychological therapies can be beneficial, especially for managing stress and anxiety associated with premature ejaculation and its impact on relationships.

PE can lead to significant stress and affect relationships, underscoring the importance of exploring various treatments and seeking support tailored to individual needs.

Empowering Men.