Men's Health

Testosterone Deficiency (TD)

We provide services for men concerned about Testosterone Deficiency.
Please Contact Us to discuss your situation

Testosterone Deficiency (TD) ranks as the second most common endocrine disorder affecting men, following diabetes mellitus type 2. Despite its prevalence, screening for TD is frequently overlooked, resulting in many men experiencing its symptoms without appropriate treatment, significantly impacting their quality of life.

Symptoms of TD typically fall into three main categories:

  • Physical symptoms include loss of strength, central weight gain, loss of muscle mass, and persistent fatigue.
  • Sexual symptoms often manifest as erectile dysfunction and diminished libido.
  • Psychological symptoms may include mood swings,increased anxiety, and a loss of confidence.

Causes of TD can vary:

  • Classical causes involve issues with brain signalling to stimulate testosterone production or problems with testosterone production in the testicles.
  • Resistance at the androgen receptor level canal so prevent testosterone from exerting its effects at the cellular level.
  • Age-related decline in testosterone production is common.
  • Environmental factors such as lifestyle choices, metabolic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, obesity, and certain medications can all contribute to lower testosterone levels.

Diagnosis involves a comprehensive assessment including medical history, physical examination, and essential fasting laboratory tests.This initial evaluation typically lasts about an hour, with follow-up appointments scheduled as needed. If treatment is deemed appropriate, ongoing monitoring of symptoms and relevant blood tests will be conducted.For men experiencing symptoms suggestive of TD, timely evaluation and management can significantly improve their well-being and overall health.

Empowering Men.